Types of Service

Traditional Services

There will be an expectation that the service will last for approximately one hour although may be longer if it is a Communion service.

The majority of hymns will be known by the congregation and come from well established sources eg Hymns and Psalms, Songs of Fellowship

There will usually be a sermon slot of approximately 15 – 20 mins

One or two bible readings would be the norm

Prayers would tend to follow the pattern of: Adoration, Thanksgiving and Confession towards the beginning of the service. Intercessions later.

There will most likely be a call to worship and the service will end with the blessing.

There will be an expectation of less overt congregational participation in the flow of worship in a traditional as opposed to an All Age service.

All Age Worship

There will be an expectation that the service will last for approximately 50 minutes.

Arrangements will vary depending on the age range within the Church.

Children will be present throughout the service and preachers are encouraged to involve children in the service

The service will be geared so that no group feels left out of worship at any time although it is appreciated that some worshippers may not always understand everything.

It would be expected that the message/theme of the service would be spread throughout the service and not confined to one sermon slot.

Hymns / songs should be varied but relatively easy to sing.  Hymns and Psalms, Songs of Fellowship and handouts are all very suitable.