
Sunday Worship

We hold one service on a Sunday at 10am. 

Worship takes a number of forms; each designed to meet various needs of the worshipping community.

Our services vary in style from traditional to more contemporary informal and interactive. There are also specific all age family / parade services and communion services.

See Upcoming Services for more information.

Other Ways to Worship

If you are unable to join us in worship in our Chapel, you might like to try one of the following websites which are all streaming services.

If you go to www.methodist.org.uk they are streaming services on a Sunday. If you have access to the internet, Wesley Chapel will be live streaming services on a Sunday at 09.45am and 11.00am.  Go to www.youtube.com

If you don’t have access to the internet then the BBC are offering a service on Sunday morning and there is also Songs of Praise around lunchtime. Whichever way to worship you choose there will be lots of us worshipping with you.