Today’s Prayer
We hope that you will use these daily prayer suggestions alongside your daily devotions to help us remember people and groups in our Church and Community. Please pray for them on each day of the month.
- Circuit Presbyters and families
- Local Pastor
- Circuit Stewards and Treasurer
- Circuit Administrator and Officers
- Our Coffee Shops
- Missions Group
- Ngong Library
- Eco Friendly Church
- Sunday Worship
- Worship Development Group
- Organists, Pianists
- Worship Band & Singers
- Al our Circuit churches
- Tearfund, Traidcraft
- Water Aid, Candlelighters
- Martin House Hospice
- Online Groups, Refugees
- Simon Community & Homeless
- Joanna Project
- Coffee Rotas
- Special Needs Groups
- Sports & Social Clubs
- Stitch & Natter
- Christian Golf Society
- Town Council & Town Clerk, Mayor
- Leeds City Council
- Our Member of Parliament
- Ukrainian Support Group
- Prayer Group and the Prayer Chain
- Those made redundant and the unemployed
- Pastoral Team and Visitors
- Any Online Worship
DAY 10
- District Chair & Officers
- Our Church Council
- Communion Stewards
DAY 11
- New people at Church (by name)
- St James’ Church
- Baptist Church
- St Joseph’s Church
- Salvation Army
DAY 12
- Men’s and Ladies Walking Groups
- All We Can
- Christian Aid
- Local Charity Shops
DAY 13
- Our Women’s Group
- Schools, Nurseries, Play Groups, Mother & Toddler Groups
DAY 14
- Circuit Newsletter
- WiSE
- Sheltered Housing
- People living alone
DAY 15
- All our members and adherents
- Churches Together in Wetherby & District
- All our lettings
DAY 16
- Badminton and Table Tennis Clubs
- Methodist Homes for the Aged
- Social Services workers
DAY 17
- Action for Children
- Relate
- Rotary and Lions
- Wetherby Schools
DAY 18
- Church Stewards and families
- Methodist Schools
- Workers in Education
- U3A
DAY 19
- Flower Rota and Flower Guild
- Mason House
- Bible Study and Housegroups
DAY 20
- Junior Church
- Mini Praise
DAY 21
- Young Offender’s Institution
- Wealstun Prison
- Prison Chaplains
- Prison Fellowship and Visitors
- Amnesty International
- In2Out
DAY 22
- Brownies and Guides
- Spring Harvest
DAY 23
- Youth Work
- Little Stars
- Just for Fun
DAY 24
- Magazine and Weekly Notices
- Cheshire Home
- Counsellors and Advice Workers
DAY 25
- Local Preachers
- Worship Leaders
- The bereaved, sick and housebound
- Residential and Nursing Homes
DAY 26
- Methodist Missions
- All Aid Workers
DAY 27
- Church Treasurer
- Finance Committee
- Property Committee
DAY 28
- Men’s & Ladies Forum
- Police, Fire and Ambulance Services
- St Gemma’s Hospice
DAY 29
- NHS and Key Workers
- Civic Society
- Wetherby in Bloom
- Wetherby Flower Club
- Spirit of Harmony singers
DAY 30
- All-day Dementia Centre
- We’ll meet again
- Leeds Advocacy
- Wetherby Foodbank
- Armed Forces and Chaplains
DAY 31
- Methodist President
- Methodist Vice President
- Youth President
- Connexional Teams
- Diaconal Order