Our Prayer Group meets on Wednesdays 10 – 10.30am in the Quiet Room at Church
Weekly Prayer Group
As we talk to God during our prayers we will no doubt have a different focus to those of last year. They will, however, still include prayers of thanksgiving for all that we have, prayers of confession where we name those things we have done wrong and ask God’s forgiveness; and prayers of petition and intercession asking God’s help for matters which concern us and others.
We are reminded that God will answer all our prayers though not necessarily in the way we have requested. It is a wise person who can say ‘thank goodness I didn’t get everything I asked for’. Our needs and our desires change over time and we can only see the present whilst God knows the future. And so we trust him to work for the best for us in our lives. As we pray each day for a group or organisation let’s spend a moment reflecting on our impact on their lives and vice versa. How do we interact and what should we be praying for them?
Refreshments are available afterwards at the WiSE Cafe in the main hall.
The Prayer Tree
If you would like prayer for yourself, family, friends or other issues, just put a note on the Prayer Tree located at the front of the Chapel – it can be anonymous if you prefer. Every Wednesday the Prayer Group will pray for all the requests on the Prayer Tree, but only the leader that week will actually read them.. The leader will then take the prayer requests home with them and continue to pray about them for that week.
Post Service Prayers
After our Sunday morning service we provide an opportunity for anyone who would like to be prayed for, either for themselves or a family situation, or on behalf of someone they know. Please advise the Steward on duty and someone will be available to pray with you in the Quiet room. This will be completely confidential and as well as the person praying there will be another member present for safeguarding reasons.