Womens Group
The Women’s Group was founded in 1965 with 10 members. It now has 30 members and is a friendly and welcoming group meeting at 2.00 pm on the first Wednesday of every month in the Main Hall.
During the year we have speakers / demonstrations on a variety of subjects with time for a cup of tea and chat. We occasionally go out for lunch and can also meet for a coffee evening with ‘in house’ entertainment in the summer months.
In December we have Readings and Carols and in Holy Week an afternoon of Easter Devotions. As part of the Church’s Reaching Out programme we warmly welcome ladies from other denominations or indeed of no denomination. We fund raise for a different charity chosen by the members each year.
The subscription is £15 per year plus £2 per meeting for refreshments. If you would like a ‘taster evening’ two visits can be made (£3 per evening) before joining.
For more details please contact: Doreen Fotheringham on 01937 581565.